For your peace of mind

We are here to help

Arranging care at home can be a confusing and stressful time.  We are here to help.  Contact us for advice, to arrange a no obligation assessment or just for a chat about your home care needs. 

A Caring Company Ltd is a professionally run service, which is compliant with all UK care regulations.

Care Quality Commission

A Caring Company Ltd is registered with the Care Quality Commission, the regulator of health and social care in England.  We were rated Good on all aspects of our care at our last inspection. 

What the Care Quality Commission say about us:

  •  “There is a very open and positive culture at the service with staff well motivated to perform their roles. 
  • “People were very happy with the care they received from staff. They felt that staff treated them with kindness and compassion, in a friendly and caring manner. The delivery of care was based on people’s individual needs and enabled them to have an active voice in the decision making process. Staff were also knowledgeable about the specific needs of the people they supported and used this information to ensure that people received person centred care.”
  • “New staff received robust induction plus a wide variety of ongoing training, designed to equip them with the essential skills to support people.” 
  • “People told us the Registered Manager offered support and advice and was accessible to both staff and people who use the service. We were told the Managers were willing to work in the field to support staff at any time. This approach was appreciated by people, relatives and staff who were very positive in their comments about how well the service was managed.”

Our Statement of Purpose, lodged with the Care Quality Commission, is provided below for your information


Data Protection

We are fully compliant with the Data Protection Act 2018 and UK General Data Protection Regulations. We will ensure your information is collected, stored and disposed of appropriately at all times. Our Privacy Notice is provided below for your information on how and why we collect, use and store your personal information


UK Home Care Association

A Caring Company Ltd is a member of the UK Home Care Association, the professional association of home care providers who promote excellence in care at home.

Central Bedfordshire Council

A Caring Company Ltd is an approved provider of Central Bedfordshire Council and was rated as excellent by them at their two last inspections. 

Companies House

A Caring Company Ltd is registered at Companies House under Company No. 7385069.